Intutive Eating Quiz

How do you know if you are an intuitive eater? It can be helpful to reflect and assess where you currently stand when it comes to intuitive eating.

This quiz was adapted from the Intuitive Eating Scale – 2 from Tracy Tylka and her team who conduct research on intuitive eating.


Review and reflect on the statements below, give yourself one point for each statement that you agree with.

Unconditional permission to eat

·       I try to avoid certain foods I think are unhealthy (ex. High in carbohydrates, fat, calories etc)

·       I have specific foods that I don’t let myself eat

·       I get mad at myself for eating something unhealthy

·       I might crave a certain food, but I don’t allow myself to eat it

·       I have certain rules about what, when or how much to eat

Eating for physical rather than emotional reasons

·      I find myself eating when I’m feeling emotional (anxious, sad, depressed), even when I’m not physically hungry

·      I find myself eating when I am lonely, even when I am not physically hungry

·      I find myself eating when I am stressed, even when I am not physically hungry

·      I use food to help me soothe negative emotions

Reliance on hunger and satiety cues

·       I don’t trust my body to tell me when to eat

·       I don’t trust my body to tell me what to eat

·       I don’t trust my body to tell me how much to eat

·       I don’t trust my body to tell me when to stop eating

·       I can’t tell when I’m slightly hungry

·       I can’t tell when I’m slightly full

Body-food choice congruence

·       Most of the time, I don’t have a desire to eat nutritious foods

·       I don’t often eat foods that make my body perform well

·       I don’t often eat foods that give my body energy and stamina

What does your score mean?

For each statement you agree with, give yourself one point and calculate your total score. Points indicate areas to begin to work on. You might have more points in a certain area which can help direct you where to start. It is okay if you have points in every area, there is no right or wrong with this quiz, it is a reflective process to see where you stand today with your relationship with food and your body and a measure of intuitive eating.

 More points = more areas to work on to become an intuitive eater.

 Keep your results to reflect on once you start doing the work. It will be valuable to look back and see how far you have come.

 Author: Julia Celestini, BSc, RD 


  1. Tylka, T. L., & Kroon Van Diest, A. M. (2013). The Intuitive Eating Scale-2: item refinement and psychometric evaluation with college women and men. Journal of counseling psychology60(1), 137–153.

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